SwedishAmerican Is Now Allowing More Visitors
We are still far from out of this dark, maddening COVID-19 tunnel, but the light at the end of it is starting to appear.
Positive cases are going down. Vaccines are rolling out as fast as possible. Some mitigations are being lifted, including the visitor restrictions at many Stateline-area hospitals.
According to mystateline.com, effective today, Tuesday, February 16, visitors will once again be allowed within SwedishAmerican Hospital. Before you race out the door to visit loved ones at Swedes, there are a few things you need to know though;
- Non-COVID patients are allowed ONE visitor per day.
- Pediatric and NICU patients can have TWO visitors per day.
- Everyone who enters the hospital MUST wear a facemask, maintain social distancing and undergo a COVID-19 symptom screening when they arrive.
- All visitors must wash hands before and after entering a patient care area.
- No loitering. All visitors must leave right after the visit is over.
- If social distancing cannot be maintained, visitors may be asked to leave the hospital.
- No-visitor rules are still in place for patients being treated for COVID-19 or suspected of having it.
Since this pandemic began my heart has broken for all the families who have had loved ones fighting the virus alone at the hospital or have had to say their final goodbyes via FaceTime. I know it's only be done in the interest of safety, but that doesn't make it any less heartbreaking. Please continue to wear your facemasks and practice social distancing so this can all be behind us soon!
Catch Lil Zim on ‘Q98.5 Mornings with Lil Zim & JB’ on Q98.5 from 6:00 a.m. to 10 a.m. Follow her on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook
Here are some tips for self-care during the pandemic:
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