Some Cubs Fans Are Just Dying to Go Here
If there are few things in this World that you love more than the Chicago Cubs, you should probably reserve your spot at "Beyond The Vines" now so you can take your Cubbie love to the grave with you. Literally.
Bohemian National Cemetery in Chicago is home to an unusual burial site called "Beyond the Vines" which was created by Cubs fan Dennis Mascari to provide the next best thing to actually behind buried beneath the Friendly Confines.
I know this seems morbid, but Mascari's intention when designing the columbarium was anything but. According to dnainfochicago, Mascari told an ESPN reporter back in 2009 when the columbarium officially opened that;
he'd been inspired to build the Cubs-themed crypt after yet another depressing visit to his father's grave.
"I figured there had to be something better, a way people could visit their loved ones without being miserable," Mascari said.
Do you think he succeeded? I bet Mascari sure hopes so since he has been interred there since 2011. Here's some pics of Beyond the Vines from the Friends of Bohemian National Cemetery Facebook page:
Beyond the Vines only has urns interred within, no caskets, and plenty of spots are still available. If this is your perfect final destination choice, the niches cost between $1,300 and $2,600. Better get you one now before the Cubs win another World Series Championship! (I didn't just jinx them, right?)
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