Rockton Man Releases Cook Book For Marijuana Users
When it comes to using marijuana, we are far past the days of just joints and bongs.
Sure, you may have heard about pot brownies, but when it comes to edibles, the game has changed. Gummy bears, chocolate bars, candy, brownies — the list of things containing THC has grown tremendously. Edibles offer a different type of high than just smoking it.
Many users enjoy the edibles for a variety of reasons but the biggest one is they were just never big into smoking to begin with. Walking into a dispensary and buying edibles only gives you so many options of what you can try.
Enter Rockton resident Larry Gerber. Larry released a cook book "BarBeQue Man Smokes With Mary Jane.... And You Can Too!" The book includes over 125 marijuana-based recipes, according to WREX.
Many people aren't familiar cooking with marijuana because they never had the chance to buy everything they needed until the beginning of the year. This book really walks you through it, whether you're a novice or a pro.
Brisket infused with marijuana? Check. Bar-B-Que marijuana chicken? Check.
It allows you to expand your culinary skills as well as your knowledge of the secret ingredient, marijuana. Larry also knows who his audience is and how to market his product, so you can buy it on your Kindle for, you guessed it, $4.20.