Rockford-Area Resident At Las Vegas Shooting Described Scene As “Straight Chaos”
Concerts are a place for fun and music with family, friends, and fellow music lovers. It's one of the greatest "escapes" we have in our lives. Thousands of country music fans woke up on Sunday anticipating what would surely be an unforgettable night, only for it to turn to horror and tragedy. It is impossible to even begin to mentally put yourself into the situation - a living nightmare.
By now the world has heard about what unfolded in Las Vegas on the final night of Route 91 Harvest Music Festival. The story has reached the state line area on a personal level. A few Rockford-area couples were there and, little did they know, their lives would forever change that night.
Ben Lipnitzky told WREX he and his wife, along with other fellow state line couples were at the country music festival. One of the people he was with, a man from Machesney Park, was shot in the leg. At the time of the interview, the unnamed man remained hospitalized. The others they were with were able to find shelter.
Ben Lipnitzky's account of what happened seemed like a living nightmare. Here's what he told WREX,
"It was horrible," Ben Lipnitzky said. "Straight chaos." "Between people dropping and people trampled... it's something you can't forget,"Lipnitzky said about the scene.
As the story of what happened on the night of the largest massacre in modern American history unfolded, there may be a silver lining - the humanitarians that helped strangers. These are the stories that will overshadow any details about the cowardly gunman, just like the couple that Ben Lipnitzky and his wife encountered at a nearby hotel while seeking shelter. He explained to WREX what had happened.
The couple was able to make it to the Tropicana Hotel nearby on the strip. That is when complete strangers stepped in to give them a helping hand. "Met a wonderful couple that let us in their room at the MGM," Lipnitzky said.
The couple were not allowed back into their room at the Mandalay Bay, where they were staying, was on lock-down.
Coming up with the exact words to describe feelings about times like these may be challenging, but don't give up on seeing the good in people. Not everyone is bad. There will always be individuals that will step up for their fellow human beings in times of despair and need. Putting forth effort into showing this kind of love every day is a great way to react. Be kind(er) to one another. Make sure those you care about and love know it. Treat others how you want to be treated. This evil world will not change overnight but it'll never start to evolve if the baby steps don't begin now.
"Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good." - Romans 12:21