‘Murder Hornets’ Are Real and Look Like A Living Nightmare
The Vespa Mandarinia has been in the United States for about a year and it might make you want to stay indoors forever. Seriously, has this not been a major news story? If not, it should be. If I lived in Washington I'd be moving as soon as possible. Sure, scientists say these little monsters don't care about humans and pet but why chance it? I'm out.
The "Murder Hornet" can grow between one and a half-inch to two inches in length, according to VOX.com. These bee killers originate from Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan but have somehow in 2019 made their way to British Columbia and the state of Washington. Their stingers cause lots of pain and can even be fatal to those who are allergic. But the craziest is the guy who keeps one of these science fiction-looking creatures as a pet.
What the heck, dude?! Get a cat or a dog, or something that doesn't have venom inside.
On a serious note, the "murder hornet" can have a devastating effect on the United State's bee population, especially our coveted $20 million a year generating honey bees. Catch up on that here. When you're done, look at its size compared to a tree branch.
Note: I am not responsible for any nightmares this article may cause.
JB Love is ½ of Q98.5's Lil Zim & JB In The Morning, weekday mornings from 5:00 a.m. to 10 a.m. Follow him on Twitter, Instagram.