Miss Carly’s Urgently Needs Help Feeding the Hungry in Rockford
I don't need to tell you that Miss Carly's is an invaluable resource to the homeless community in Rockford, I'm pretty sure you already know. It's also very heartwarming to see how much this community has united in support the last couple years for the work Miss Carly's does every single day.
The need for Miss Carly's resources never stops, and neither does their need for our donations. In a recent Facebook post, Miss Carly's said;
The weather is warmer and the numbers of hungry people we are now feeding had doubled in recent weeks. We are feeding between 800 and 1,000 people in a 24 hour period currently
800 to 1,000 people everyday?!? I'm still blown away by those numbers. In addition to providing meals for the hungry in our area, Miss Carly's also provides drug treatment and sober living resources for those that need it most.
To help Miss Carly's continue to provide these vital services, please consider dropping off some of these items they are currently urgently in need of:
- Backpacks
- Men's and Women's underwear
- Size 5 & 6 diapers
- Quart Ziploc baggies
- Bottled water
- Baby Wipes
- Any drink that can go into lunches
- Any snacks that can go into lunches
Miss Carly's always needs donations of things to make sack lunches with. Their goal is to provide a sandwich, bottle of water, a juice, a sweet item, chips and an orange, or another bonus item in all of their lunches, so donations of anything that can help them fulfill that goal is always appreciated.
For more info on how you can help Miss Carly's, please visit misscarlys.org.
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