Magic Waters Has New Attraction Perfect for Babies
Magic Waters Waterpark opens for the 2017 season on Saturday, and they have some fun new things to show off this year.
Opening weekend for Magic Waters is this Saturday through Monday, they will then close for the week, and reopen on Saturday, June 3 for the regular 2017 season. If you've been counting down the days until the park's new ride the Screaming Lizard opens, you do have a few more weeks to wait for that, but they do have new additions ready to go for this weekend.
The first one, as a parent with a one-year-old, I am really excited about. Magic Waters has remodeled their Little Lagoon children's area with expanded deck areas, enhanced water play features and these sweet baby water swings!
Swinging is one of my Harper girl's favorite things to do, so she is gonna love these! So will Mama because I don't have to worry about her getting trampled by older kids running around and having fun. Thank you, Magic Waters!
For more information on park happenings, and how you can get the $12 ticket deal this weekend, check out