Lucha Cantina is Switching Up Their ‘Kids Eat Free Night’
When you have young kids, physically eating inside a restaurant can be quite the adventure. Even if you have well-behaved children, kids are going to be kids, and sometimes it's just easier to get carryout and eat at home. The only problem with that scenario is, eating carryout at home causes you to miss out on "kids eat free" deals. Thankfully one Rockford restaurant is changing up their "kids eat free" night to encompass all families during this pandemic.
Lucha Cantina just announced that they will be giving families $5 off coupons for every car seat/booster you have in your car to use at your next Lucha visit...
If you have car seats in the car we’ll give you a $5 Coupon for each car seat and corresponding menu item ordered off the Student Menu..(order one kid item and have one car seat, get $5. Order two kids items and have two car seats, get $10..You have to order adult entrees too. It’s kinda the same as inside, but we’re assuming there aren’t people driving around randomly with extra car seats in their cars).
One last thing that has absolutely nothing to do with feeding your kids and everything to do with surviving 2020, in case you didn't know, Lucha Cantina offers Lucharitas and Natural and Lucharita mixes to go. You can thank me for that heads up later, LOL! See Lucha's carryout menu for yourself, here.
Catch Lil Zim on ‘Q98.5 Mornings with Lil Zim & JB’ on Q98.5 from 6:00 a.m. to 10 a.m. Follow her on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook
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