Learn the Fashion Rules from Miranda Lambert
I love Miranda Lambert. She's such a down to earth girl and you know she even dresses it too.
Ladies we can learn all the fashion rule we need to from her.
Country Outfitters, posted the 10 Fashion Rules we need to follow by watching Miranda Lambert.
For instance we need to own every kind of black tee we can get our hands one. Long sleeve, three-quarter sleeves, short to v-neck or scoop. We just can't go wrong. Well I have a lot of white tees, but black will do just fine by me too. Look out Target here I come!
Also, wearing denim with denim is not necessarily a faux pas. Oh, I love to do this. I finally can break out my denim jacket and vest again!
And, boots with shorts is very sexy, fun and cool. Well now that I own a cool pair of cowboy boots I can do this too!
Too see all the cool fashion tips we can learn from our girl Miranda, click here!
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