Last Days to Save Money on Insane Inflatable 5K Registration
If you've always wanted to run a 5K, but haven't found the right one to do as your first, trust me, the Insane Inflatable 5K is THE one to try. Why? Because it is so fun you'll almost forget that you are running. Seriously, you get your exercise in for the day while bouncing and giggling like a child. Sounds like a pretty good way to spend a Saturday, don't ya think?
Now that you want to jump (literally) in on the fun, let's get you the details:
- The Insane Inflatable 5K is happening Saturday, June 8, 2019 at Mercyhealth Sportscore One in Rockford beginning at 8 a.m.
- This 3.1 mile course features 11 crazy inflatable obstacles that you will love to conquer and are guaranteed to leave you feeling the "good kind of tired"
- You can register online now here, buuuttt THE REGISTRATION PRICE GOES UP ON SATURDAY, MAY 25 AT 12:00 a.m. !!
- The event also features the Krazy Kids Inflatable Fun Run that is not timed and perfect for kids ages 5-12.
If you really want to make your Saturday night following the Insane Inflatable 5K a super relaxing one, sign your littles up for the Krazy Kids Inflatable Fun Run now, and then let them jump their hearts out some more in the midway after the race. Trust me, they will sleep amazingly that night after experiencing this...
See y'all on June 8 for some crazy, jumping fun!
Catch Lil Zim on ‘Q98.5 Mornings with Lil Zim & JB’ on Q98.5 from 5:00 a.m. to 10 a.m. Follow her on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook
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