Illinois Town Wins Major Tech Makeover AND a Florida Georgia Line Concert!
Over the weekend our neighbors in Woodstock, IL got some SUPER exciting news...they were chosen as the winner of T-Mobile's national 2021 Hometown Techover contest!
What is T-Mobile's Hometown Techover All About?
Back in April of 2021, T-Mobile asked people to nominate small towns across America that need a major technology glow-up. By glow-up, T-Mobile means "a community-wide tech upgrade valued at more than $3 million". The Hometown Techover will receive:
- A $200,000 community grant
- A Little League field refurbishment
- A T-Mobile service upgrade for one public space.
- Greater access to T-Mobile services
- Free wireless service for 100 households
Back in mid-July Woodstock, Illinois was announced as one of the 10 finalists in the running to receive the Hometown Techover prize, and this weekend the big news was finally revealed...
Congratulations, Woodstock! We're so happy for you!
Now, for the most important part...who gets to go to T-Mobile's massive bash with Florida Georgia Line? T-Mobile's website says; "A FREE concert this fall for the winning town with 18-time chart-topping, multi-platinum duo Florida Georgia Line".
Let's focus on that "winning town" part. After doing a little research, all I could discover is that the Florida Georgia Line show will be for the 'whole town', but it doesn't say what you have to do to gain entry into the show. Just show up? I doubt it. Prove you're a T-Mobile customer? Not likely. Enter in a separate drawing to win a ticket to the show? Maybe. Show proof that you are a Woodstock resident? My bet lies with that one, but I guess we'll just have to wait and see. If you know anyone who lives in Woodstock, now might be a good time to call them up and check in. Just saying. LOL!
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