In my nearly 20 years in broadcasting, I had only "fangirled" once in front of a well-known person, until today.

(The first "fangirl" moment happened with Carrie Underwood.)


I should mention, I've never geeked out or fangirled during an over-the-phone interview.

Most movie/tv stars, musicians, or professional athletes are just normal people at the end of the day. That's something I remind my co-host of before every interview because, unlike me, she gets super nervous before interviews begin.

Brady Center Bear Awards Gala
Getty Images

Chelsea Handler isn't for everyone (and neither am I) but when the opportunity to interview popped up last week it was an unequivocal "yes!"

'I apologize.'

Dear Ms. Chelsea Handler,

It was a weird morning. My cohost and I were under the impression we would be interviewing about your Chicago/Milwaukee/Madison shows at 9:20 am this morning. Stupid us, we ignored the "9:20 ET" and were thrown off when you called an hour earlier. That's our bad.

In hindsight, maybe we should have warned your "people" that one of the co-hosts is a fan and may have a slight crush on you. Again, that's our bad.

During the interview I was off my "radio game", usually we pull those off well and the interview is usually fun to both the interviewee and the audience. I'd venture to say your first thought when we disconnected was,  "What the hell just happened? Please don't book anymore calls for Rockford, Illinois ever again."

If there is ever an opportunity I would love a do-over, with much less nervousness and overall awkwardness.

Oh, and if you slide into my DMs I wouldn't be mad about it.



Here is the most awkward "what the ___ did I say?!" interview of my professional career thus far.

Chelsea Handler loves Wisconsin but isn't from there.... you might be surprised which celebs are though...

Check out this list of celebrities from the dairy state.

... and check out the most unique mansion ever for sale in Wisconsin

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