Help Serve Up Breakfast for Rockford Families In Need
This COVID-19 pandemic is wreaking havoc on all our lives. For some people, the stress and worry are worse than others, but for many Rockford families who already struggled to make ends meet, the results of this pandemic are devastating. They've lost their jobs, and they need our help to put food on the table.
Here's the way I see it; we keep hearing and seeing the phrase "we're all in this together", and it's time we all really try to help those in need around us. So many of our community members are struggling, and if we are physically and financially able to lend a helping hand, we should.
Helping others doesn't have to be a grand affair, it can be as simple as donating a few bucks to the Rock River Valley Pantry's new 'Breakfast 815' GoFundMe campaign.
According to the Rock River Valley Pantry's website, the need to create this GoFundMe campaign arose after the Pantry was forced to cancel their annual 'Round-Up For Hunger' fundraising event thanks to COVID-19. The cancellation is extremely disappointing because the need for monetary donations is greater than ever this Fall.
The Rock River Valley Pantry typically provides food products to 1,000 people every month, and one of their greatest challenges is to continue their services in the midst of such an economic struggle.
The Breakfast 815 GoFundMe campaign will go through October 31, 2020 and it has a lofty goal of $50,000 that they NEED our help to reach. If you are financially able to, please click here and make a donation today. You never know when the person in need of these services could be you.
Catch Lil Zim on ‘Q98.5 Mornings with Lil Zim & JB’ on Q98.5 from 6:00 a.m. to 10 a.m. Follow her on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook