Fan Of Abraham Lincoln Pays $81K For Piece Of His Hair
Part of Abraham Lincoln's hair sold to a big fan for $81,000 in an auction.
I've heard crazy stories of when super famous people try to go out in public they get mobbed by fans. People are so obsessed they just want a piece of them. They'll try to pull out their hair, rip off their clothes, and grab anything they can for a souvenir from their favorite celebrity. It gets to the point where they can't go out anywhere without bigtime security
Also, fans that can't get close to these stars on their own, will spend huge amounts of money to meet them. To get a part of their history to hang up at their home, they will purchase memorabilia for thousands. Especially, if they are no longer with us.
When it comes to our state of Illinois, I think one of the most famous residents of all time is Abraham Lincoln. He's kind of a big deal here. Think about it, we are known as the "Land of Lincoln." He's not just Illinois famous, he's popular throughout the United States. So how much do people appreciate the former President?
According to,
"A lock of Abraham Lincoln’s hair along with a bloodstained telegram about his 1865 assassination have been sold at auction for more than $81,000."
Imagine how much part of his famous beard would be worth.
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