Producers for the popular game show Family Feud will be in Chicago November 17-18, 2018 auditioning Illinois families to be on the show.

Interested families do need to apply beforehand on the Family Feud websiteand of course, there are a few eligibility requirements you need to aware of:

  • You must have 5 family members related by blood, marriage or legal adoption.
  • You must be a U.S. citizen or have permission to work within the United States.
  • There is no age requirement for participants, but producers suggest players should be 15 years or older due to the nature of some of the questions.
  • If you're running for a political office or have been on more than two other game shows this year, you are ineligible.
  • If anyone on your team has been on Family Feud before, it needs to be at least 10 years since their last appearance.

To find out more information on the audition process, or to register your family today, visit

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