Everyone Hates Snapchat’s New Look and Unfortunately We’re Stuck With It
Last week I received a notification that there was a new software update for my iPhone; I received that same notification yesterday and just like last week, I opted to do it later.
With that said, you could imagine my surprise when I opened up Snaphchat and noticed that it looked completely different. What.was.happening?
Snapchat had updated ITSELF?
What happened to the list of people I was following? Who are some of these people? Why is Khloe Kardashian's account showing up on my app when I don't follow her? How do I go back to the old Snapchat?
Seriously, since the update, I've barely even snapped and I haven't even tried to find my own friends. I mean, don't get me wrong, I like being able to explore unfamiliar accounts that give me a behind the scenes look at complete stranger's lives and it's been fun seeing what's happening at the Winter Olympics, but I wanted it to be on my terms.
Are you feeling me? If you hate the new Snapchat, too, I have some bad news. Last week there was a way to reverse the update; but according to Thrillist, who posted a work around for it earlier, has confirmed that the method doesn't work anymore. If you didn't fix it when you had the chance, you're stuck with the new Snapchat.