California Broadcaster Got Roughed Up Bad at Milwaukee Brewers Game
Sometimes you really need to know your limits. It also doesn't hurt to remember that if you're not from around here, you should just let the locals handle it. Ouch!
Random and avoidable injuries are getting a bit too regular at Milwaukee's American Family Field, home of Brewers baseball.
Things Went Horribly Wrong in Milwaukee
If you've never been to a Milwaukee Brewer's game, let me tell you why a Dodger's TV and Radio reporter should have 'stayed in his lane'.
Behind the left-field stands at American Family Field is where you'll find Bernie's Chalet. The chalet is where Bernie Brewer celebrates Milwaukee home runs by flying down the chalet's giant slide.
On Thursday afternoon (8/18), four hours before the game was to start, Dodgers broadcaster David Vassegh thought it would be great television to jump up on Bernie's slide and take a ride. It was his worst idea of the day.
From the moment David becomes visible coming down this slide, fans already can tell he's moving way too fast.
It didn't take long before David loses all control over where this slide wanted to throw his body.
You have to wonder if it crossed his mind this cushioned stop in the next picture, which just looks like a tumbling mat stuck to a wall, wouldn't be enough to avoid injury.
Not only did that cushion not help soften the blow from his abrupt stop, but it also broke 6 of David's ribs and fractured his wrist, according to AP News.
Bernie's Chalet is a ride best taken by the locals (pretty much just Bernie), and clearly, it should never be taken while wearing slick dress pants and whatever that rectangular accelerant underneath him was.
We sure do love to laugh at others' pain sometimes, don't we?
Way to go David, right back to work. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Next time, try a sausage race. #StayOnYourFeet