Dear Anthony Rizzo, We’re Sorry the Chicago Cubs Did You Wrong Like That
I may not watch baseball regularly, but I still feel like a Chicago Cubs fan at heart. It's not because of the game they play, it's not because of the team's history, it's because of two reasons; Anthony Rizzo and Kris Bryant.
Call me superficial or a ridiculous Cubs fan, I know I deserve it, but I follow the team because of Anthony Rizzo's bright, giving personality, and Kris Bryant's spectacular looks. That being said, I'm was pretty pissed yesterday when the announcement came out that the Chicago Cubs traded Anthony Rizzo and took away one of my reasons for following the team.
I will be the first to admit that I don't know much about the inner workings of professional baseball teams, but I do know that Rizzo's trade was a necessary business decision. I may know it, but it doesn't make me less pissed.
On Friday morning, JB Love put me on the spot on-air to write an apology letter to Anthony Rizzo, which I did, but now I feel like I have more to say, so here it goes...
Dear Anthony Rizzo,
I'm sorry that the Chicago Cubs did you wrong, but I'm sure you knew it was coming. Please know that it doesn't take a die-hard baseball fan to know what a unique and special baseball player, and more importantly, person, you are. The Chicago Cubs may have made a "smart" business decision by trading you, but they cut out the heart of their team, and I'm sure the other players will feel it too. Who else has a big, cheesy grin like you? Who else goes out of their way to support families battling cancer? Who else will make cute videos with Kris Bryant that never fail to make us smile? Who else will make us feel the joy of playing baseball as you do? New York is dirtier than Chicago, you don't want to live there. I also don't think the Yankees will fully appreciate what you have to offer as a person. Please come back to Chicago as a free agent and give me a reason to care about the Chicago Cubs again.
Lil Zim, A Chicago Cubs fan who admires you for everything out of baseball.
I asked JB Love to contribute a few words to this apology letter to Anthony Rizzo and all he gave me was this;
As soon as I read Rizzo was headed to New York I knew Lil Zim's heart would be broken. I'm actually surprised she didn't take a personal day.
Thanks for nothin', JB.
Side note; Since originally writing this, I have heard about the departure of Kris Bryant. I am not prepared to comment on that yet...still crying.
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