Dad Gives Son Cubs Tickets and Makes Him Cry
When I saw this video yesterday, I cried right along with this sweet boy. I'm willing to bet you will too while watching it.
I may only be a couple years in to this whole parenting thing, but I often worry my girls are already too spoiled. I want them to understand good things come to those who work hard, and I never want them to feel a sense of entitlement. I think what I love most about this video is that this young boy named Kolt automatically agrees to help and spend the day with his Dad, before he even knows what he will be doing.
Well done, Dad. This is my idea of awesome parenting.
And...just in case that video didn't give you enough goosies, Anthony Rizzo stepped up and made it even better...
Totally awesome of Rizzo to do, but the Cubs love for Kolt keeps on going..
Be still my heart. Hope you have an amazing time at Wrigley, Kolt. Say hello to the boys for us!
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