Looking for a way to add a little more fun and flavor to your holidays in Illinois this year? Try these unique '!2 Drinks of Christmas' recipes!

The '12 Drinks of Christmas' in Illinois

When it comes to drinking holiday spirits, I tend to be a vodka/club soda or beer kind of gal, but I saw a social media trend recently that inspired me to think outside the bottle this year; the '12 Drinks of Christmas' or the '12 Drinks of Drinkmas'.

Basically, people are finding or creating their own cocktail recipes inspired by each day in the "12 Days of Christmas" song, and you don't have to be a skilled mixologist to pull it off...but if you want to pretend to be one, check out these 12 awesome cocktail recipes I found from Table Magazine;

DAY ONE: Partridge In a Pear Tree Christmas Mocktail

DAY TWO: 2 Turtle Doves - Tequila and Mezcal Cocktail

DAY THREE: 3 French Hens - Three French Liquors in a Cocktail

DAY FOUR: 4 Calling Birds - A Twist on An Aviation Cocktail

DAY FIVE: 5 Golden Rings - Limoncello Cocktail

DAY SIX: 6 Geese A-Laying - Grey Goose Cocktail

DAY SEVEN: 7 Swans A-Swimming - Hemingway Daiquiri 

DAY EIGHT: 8 Maids A-Milking - Coconut Coquito 

DAY NINE: 9 Ladies Dancing -  Spice Cocktail

DAY TEN: 10 Lords A-Leaping - Apple Bourbon Cocktail 


DAY ELEVEN: 11 Pipers Piping - Spiced Sparkling Wine Cocktail


DAY TWELVE: 12 Drummers Drumming - Easy Rum Cocktail



Don't those sound fun and yummy?!? Christmas will be here before you know it, so you better get started!

For more fun, festive cocktail and food recipes for Christmas, or any other time of the year, check out tablemagazine.com.

RELATED: What the 12 Days of Christmas Would Cost in Illinois This Year

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