Changes to Cherry Valley’s 4th of July Fireworks
Last week's storms have forced the Village of Cherry Valley to make some changes to their 4th of July festivities this year.
I live just outside of Cherry Valley, and when I drove through the village last Thursday I noticed that Baumann Park was majorly flooded. My instant thought after seeing this was, "what are they going to do for fireworks on the 4th?" The answer...still have them, but with strictly enforced parking restrictions.
If you are used to parking and sitting in the grounds at Baumann Park to enjoy the fireworks spectacular, you will have to find a new spot. Baumann Park is still closed, and no one will be allowed entrance within the grounds on the 4th of July.
Cherry Valley Police suggest viewing the fireworks from the CherryVale Mall parking lot instead this year:
The mall parking lot is usually where my family chooses to view Cherry Valley's fireworks because they are still visible, but the sound of the big boomers are more muffled from this distance allowing us to avoid a scared three-year-old's melt down.
Cherry Valley's annual 4th of July Patriotic Parade will also still take place on Tuesday beginning at 1 p.m. (starting at the Village Hall), but it will end about a block shorter due to road construction on State Street.
Don't let some detours ruin your patriotic fun, just plan ahead and you'll be good to go!
Happy 4th of July, y'all!
Catch Lil Zim on ‘Q98.5 Mornings with Lil Zim & JB’ on Q98.5 from 5:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. Follow her on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook
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