Carrie Underwood is starting to reclaim her body after giving birth to her second son, Jacob, in January but admits she's having a much harder time doing so then she did four years ago.

"I’m going to be honest, 'bouncing back' after having Jacob has been much more difficult than after I had Isaiah and I’ve been pretty hard on myself lately," Underwood says.

The singer shared a candid, imperfect photo of herself preparing to work out as a way to remind herself (and her fans) about priorities and the value in appreciating the day by day journey to reaching your goals. After talking about how she's not been able to exercise as long or as hard as she could a year ago, she makes a promise:

I make a promise to myself to start appreciating what my body CAN do and stop focusing on what it can’t. I promise to stop analyzing every angle and every curve and every pound and every meal. I’m going to keep staying the path because it is a journey and as long as I’m always working towards my goals, one day I’ll reach them. I’m going to take it day by day, smile at the girl in the mirror, and work out because I love this body and all it has done and will continue to do!

The photo is one of very few pictures the "Love Wins" singer has shared of herself on Instagram since her baby was born on Jan. 21, although her husband Mike Fisher shared a hilarious video of her singing "Happy Birthday" to her oldest son Isaiah last month.

In this new picture, she recognizes that her body has largely belonged to her son for the past 11 months, including now as he nurses. She is starting to turn the corner, however, as she recognizes red carpet opportunities like the upcoming ACM Awards and a full spring and summer tour will require more attention and energy.

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