Camera Catches Rockford TV Newcaster Mishap with a Chair [Watch]
So when you watch the local news you always assume that everyone on is calm, cool and collected and not prone to make mistakes. That is not the case here in Rockford.
Talk about "Breaking News" in another sense of the word. This bit of breaking news hurt!
Security footage caught the funny moment when WIFR TV 23 news Anchor Andy Gannon was preparing for the noon newscast.
The same thing happened to me a couple of years ago when I was hanging out at the Q98.5 stage at Rockford's On The Waterfront festival. I was sitting down on a chair working my way through an elephant ear and the chair I was sitting in broke. Of, course there were witnesses, namely Q98.5 weekend announcer Jonny J who said to me: "Have another elephant ear, Mark". Everyone broke out in laughter. I was left there on the ground, and got up to get another elephant ear.
By the way, according to WIFR, Andy did doing okay.