Beware of This Computer Scam While Doing Holiday Shopping Online
The story is sad but true; while many are using their computer to buy gifts for their loved ones this holiday season, dirty scammers are ready and waiting to take advantage of them. In fact, this scam is not just reserved for the Christmas shopping season, it's happening all year long, and you need to be aware of it.
According to the Chicago Tribune, the Better Business Bureau is reporting a rise in reports of remote tech support scams the last few months, and a few months ago it happened to a member of my family in Rockford, and this couple in Durand.
These type of scammers usually prey on the older generation who they believe are not as tech savvy, and I can tell you that an older member of my family has been dealing with the aftermaths of a tech-support scam for MONTHS. The scam she fell victim to functioned a little differently, and luckily, she did not lose any money to these scammers. Unless you count the hundreds of dollars she has paid in computer repairs. GRRRR.
Moral of the story; NEVER, EVER GIVE FINANCIAL INFORMATION TO ANYONE OVER THE PHONE OR ONLINE unless you know and trust them. If a situation seems even slightly fishy, it probably is.
Catch Lil Zim on ‘Q98.5 Mornings with Lil Zim & JB’ on Q98.5 from 5:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. Follow her on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook
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