Greg Dwyer started in radio as Marconi's Street Guy. He pioneered such bits as "Take The Black Plague Challenge" and "Battle Of The Sexes." Later, he and Bill Michaels rewrote the book of morning radio in Peoria. That book turned out to be more of a Cliff's Notes, and they promptly left The Caterpillar City for the green of John Deere. Heck, that was in 1990. If this link is still working, then they must still be employed!
Meteorologist Covering Hurricane Laura Has Extremely Close Call
I wouldn't have handled this anywhere how he did.
Study Finally Finds Real Hangover Cure, And It’s Something Already Available At Vitamin Stores
Finally, the Finnish are finished with this study.
Pumpkin Spice Hard Seltzer Is Coming This Fall
This is most exciting.
Davenport Man Charged $4000 Tip For Pizza Delivery
Generosity at its finest.
Why You Shouldn’t Wear Gloves While Grocery Shopping
I once saw a dude eating Cheetos in line with his gloves.
Cast of Full House Creates ‘Full Quarantine’ Intro
They've got this quarantine figured out.
Lifehack: Ordering Your Pizza “Uncut” is Better
Does this actually work?
Miller Lite is Offering a Free Case of Beer For Leap Day
Free Beer...SATURDAY??
Woman Getting Paid $1,000 to Watch 24 Hallmark Christmas Movies in 12 Days
I don't know if $1,000 is enough.