Why is Illinois Home Flying American Flag Upside Down?
Have you ever driven through a Rockford neighborhood and caught sight of an American flag flying upside-down? It's a sight that can leave you scratching your head, wondering what message the homeowner is trying to convey.
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What Does the U.S. DOD Say About Flying a Flag Inverted?
- Don't display outdoors during bad weather days.
- The flag should never be touching anything underneath it like the floor, water, or merchandise.
- Flag should be displayed on a flag staff that is upright and not leaning.
When it comes to flying an American flag inverted, the United States D.O.D. says it should "never be displayed upside down unless trying to convey a sign of distress or great danger."
The U.S. Code for "Respect for Flag" says the following:
The flag should never be displayed with the union down, except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property.
While this is a guess, I would assume the flag is being flown upside at this home in protest and not because the resident feels their life or property is in immediate danger, but you never know.
Is it illegal to fly an American flag upside-down?
It's not illegal to fly the U.S. flag upside-down but it is a sign of disrespect, according to StarSpangledFlags.
In the movie The Last Castle, the upside-down flag is a major plot in the film.
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Gallery Credit: Sofia Voss