Amazon is Hiring in Illinois and Wisconsin
Heads up job seekers.
Amazon will be hiring for full and part-time positions nationwide, including here in Illinois and Wisconsin.
According to WGN, Amazon will be holding a job fair on Wednesday, August 2nd to hire over 50,000 new employees. These positions will be for both full and part-time.
By the way, over 10,000 of the open positions are for part-time.
"The company says it offers highly competitive pay, health and disability insurance, retirement savings plans and company stock."
If you're looking for a full time job or just some extra cash doing part-time work, you should look into applying at either the Kenosha, WI or Romeoville, IL warehouses.
The company will be conducting the job fair nationwide, which also will include their warehouses in "Baltimore; Chattanooga, Tenn.; Etna, Ohio; Fall River, Mass.; Hebron, KY.; Kent, Wash.; Robbinsville, N.J.; and Whitestown, IN".
To apply and to find out more, click here.