A post on a Rockford Facebook page is gaining attention, but is it for the right reason?

Rockford roadblock, speedtraps, and hotspots shared a Rockford news post about Illinois Police setting up DUI checkpoint this weekend and it's post is questionable. The page itself is intended for sharing specific locations in order to "save some time and just avoid the area so you can get to where you need to go on time." But, it goes further in a pinned status.

An admin writes,

I want to remind everyone why were here.. We made this page because our friends, family, and even us, were getting pulled over for lies and it escalated from there.. The point of this page is to let people know where the police are so they can avoid them. Not because they are breaking the law. Because they want to get to where they are going without being harassed. This page has nothing to do with breaking the law or helping people do it. They may use it like that but that's on them.

He then shares a story of getting pulled over for snow covering his rear license plate even though he claims to have wiped it clean. And, as expected, one question came to mind right away but you're not allowed to ask it without it being immediately deleted.

We will delete any comment that has anything to do with "don't break the law and you won't get pulled over" instantly. It is conflicting with why this page was made and it is misleading information.

Why can't we debate about the appropriateness of sharing roadblock locations? Is being pulled over for "no reason" an uncomfortable subject? How is challenging an opinion with reason misleading?

It is OK to talk about something that makes us uncomfortable as long as we're civil and understanding of each other's opinion. With that being said, I was pulled over several years ago for "crossing the yellow line" on E State. After running my plates, license, and reviewing my insurance information the officer' gave me no written warning but did tell me I picked the wrong car to drive with "that hair." I had a bright pink mohawk for a breast cancer awareness event. Still, I disagree with making it a point of going out of our way to share roadblock locations with ill intent. Given the amount of time spent on Facebook everywhere, it's bound to inform the wrong person of where to avoid therefore the "don't break the law and you won't get pulled over" statement is justified.

I am not condoning to people being pulled over for no reason and harassed but I also don't think it's appropriate to "warn" others when the goal is to keep people safe on the roads. The conversation about report roadblocks will not fade away but definitely does not need to be avoided, just like actual roadblocks.

Catch Lil Zim on ‘Q98.5 Mornings with Lil Zim & JB’ on Q98.5 from 5:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. Follow her on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook

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