10 Things I Have In My Phone Right Now
I recently went through a phone purge and realized I have a lot of goofy things on there. Of course I had to share some of my favorites with you, just because.
1. My Favorite Video (which I shared on Facebook and will never delete from my phone)
2. Harper's Interesting Predicament - Walk out of the room for 2 seconds, come back in, and find my sweet, almost-crawling baby girl like this. Don't worry, she wasn't hurt, I think she actually liked it.
3. The pic my brother-in-law will kill me for showing, but makes me laugh HARD. (He does beard competitions and makes a pretty awesome elf, don't ya think?)
4. The song my 3-year-old and I have dance parties to every day.
5. My new favorite app - You haven't downloaded it yet? What?!? Do it here now and be in the know about all kinds of cool stuff!
6. My second favorite app. If you want make cool videos on your phone, add text, and more, this is a super easy-to-use and free to download app. Download it here.
7. Screenshots - I screenshot everything. Seriously. From stories I want to remember to check out, to tips and hacks, to goofy craft ideas I want to make similar to this one for a certain family member. (Please pardon the language.)
8. The last text I got from my Mom thinking she is oh, so tech savvy.
9. My phone's main/lock screen screensaver that everyone razzes me about because I will never, ever change it. Not even for a pic of my kids. (They have the home page screensaver)
10. The pic I look at daily when I need to smile.
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