
Acts of Kindness that Can Go a Long Ways
Acts of Kindness that Can Go a Long Ways
Acts of Kindness that Can Go a Long Ways
If you believe in the golden rule "to do unto others as we'd like to do unto us", then being kind and thoughtful doesn't take a whole lot of effort or money. Take a look at these small acts of kindness that can go a long way.
Job Fair in Rockford
Job Fair in Rockford
Job Fair in Rockford
Good news Rockford! More employment opportunities are to be had with the technical support company, Servicom. Servicom is holding a job fair today and tomorrow!
Belvidere's Tornado Vicitm
Belvidere's Tornado Vicitm
Belvidere's Tornado Vicitm
Here's a little known story in the aftermath of the Tornadoes that tore through Illinois just two weeks ago. There was one Belvidere family that was affected by the tornado.
Cookies is Hiring
Cookies is Hiring
Cookies is Hiring
Hey all! If you love those cookies from Cookies by Design and you love making people feel happy and if your looking for a job. Good news they're hiring!
Local Fireman on TV
Local Fireman on TV
Local Fireman on TV
Remember when Little Zim posted that article a couple of months ago about the TV show Chicago Fire looking for local emergency workers (fire,police, EMT's, etc...) as extras on the show? We just found out that there's a couple of local firemen that made the cut and we can watch them on the show.

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