Woman Accused Of Putting Drugs In An Illinois Troopers Drink
Being a Police officer or State Trooper definitely is not an easy job. Everyday there's a different situation. This year has been extremely tough for Illinois State Troopers. A few of them have already lost their lives or been severely injured this year because of drunk or distracted drivers. Even after all of the horrible things they've been through, they still put on their uniforms and badges everyday to go back out there to keep us safe.
After hearing about a story in Beardstown from PJStar.com, I definitely have some strong words for the suspect in question. Tuesday at around 7:30 pm, State Troopers pulled over Valeria Martinez and a passenger on Route 67. Martinez ended up being charged with Unlawful Methamphetamine delivery. but this is where the story takes a dark turn. Police separated the two individuals, suspecting criminal activity.
During the investigation, officers discovered that a substance was put into one of the Trooper's sports drink bottles. Martinez is now accused of spiking the officers drink. Besides the Methamphetamine charge, she now faces 2 counts of aggravated battery of a police officer. This is the first time I've ever heard of something like this happening.