Why You Should Bring Dollar Bills To The 2018 Pink Party
Hopefully you already have October 12 marked on your calendar and your tickets bought for the 2018 Pink Party, because the fun level is going up a few notches this year.
Yes, we will still have a 50/50 raffle and fabulous silent auctions items to bid all to benefit Pink Heals of Winnebago County on Friday, October 12 at the Tebala Event Center.
Yes, there will still be delicious hors d'oeuvres and shopping to enjoy while you're there.
Yes, there will be music, dancing and plenty of pinkalicious fun to be had...
And yes, the main event of the night will still be the smokin' live bra auction with some of Rockford's hottest and bravest firemen modeling exquisite hand-crafted lingerie...but this is where a fun new twist will happen.
Get your dollar bills ready ladies and gents, because this year the firemen who collects the most singles on stage will win the Premier Pavement Best in Show award, (and you get to stuff bills in a firemen's pants in the most PG-way possible)!
Get your tickets now here, and get ready to think, act and party pink with us Friday, October 12th!
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