Walmart Will End All Price Matching In 2019
Walmart just made a big announcement about price matching and why they're ending one of the company's more well-known marketing strategies. Walmart started price matching through what they called "Savings Catchers" monitor a national competitors sale. Now, decades later, Wally World is pulling the plug on the promotion. After May 19, 2019, price matching will no longer exist. They've openly explained why and what Savings Catcherers should know.
Why is Walmart nixing Savings Catcher?
Since the introduction of the program, we’ve worked hard to lower prices on thousands of everyday items across our stores, which has resulted in our prices winning the vast majority of the time when you submit receipts to Savings Catcher. This tells us that the program’s intent has been met, which was to provide you upfront with everday low prices so that you and your family can save money and live better.
If you have a Savings Catcher gift card, don't worry about it expiring.
The balance of your Savings Catcher eGift Card will remain on your card until you choose to spend it. There is no time by which you need to spend your rewards.
Walmart App users will still be able to use the app to scan paper receipts for their digital records.
For more about the big change at Walmart, click here.