Complex Networks has announced that A Little Too Farr, the reality show featuring country star Tyler Farr, will launch on June 2. The show, which follows Farr around the countryside as he interacts with fans, friends and fellow celebrities and pushes the proverbial envelope with the shenanigans in which he engages, will air on the Rated Red channel.

Each 6-9-minute A Little Too Farr episode will feature Farr getting involved in any number of adrenaline-pumping activities: stunt-plane flights, small explosions, shooting guns, wrestling pigs, racing boats ... and so it goes. Throughout the series, Farr will enlist the help of some of his famous friends -- including buddies Jason Aldean and Lee Brice -- locals and family members (including his wife, Hannah) to get into all kinds of redneck mischief.

"Thank God, first of all, for the bleep button," Farr says, "because they said, 'We want you to be yourself,' and I said, 'Are you sure?'"

The 36 episodes of A Little Too Farr Season 1 will be released on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays following the show's June 2 premiere. They will be available through and the Go90 app on iOS and Android.

Farr's reality show undertaking hasn't sidelined his musical career: He's currently working with Aldean to produce his next album, and keeping up with a busy tour schedule, which includes joining Brantley Gilbert on Gilbert's 2017 The Devil Don't Sleep Tour. In late April, Farr released a brand-new single, "I Should Go to Church Sometime."

Tyler Farr Talks More About A Little Too Farr

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