Several experts have gone on the record saying that the Summer of 2018's tick season could be the worst Illinois has seen in years.

Just hearing that news makes me not want to leave my house this summer, but that's just not possible. There's too much fun to be had outdoors the next few months, and we can't let  nasty blood-sucking, creepy-crawlers keep us from it, right? Right.

Protecting your family from ticks with bug spray and hats will be key, but the likelihood that the nasty buggers will still find a way to feast on your skin this summer is quite high. YUCK!

Here's another fact, getting ticks off of your skin sucks too, especially with little ones. When you come at someone with tweezers and a blown out match, panic often ensues. (Or is it just me that freaks out in any tick situation?!?)  It equally sucks to remove the hateful insect vampires from your pets whose fur does a darn good job of hiding the little b--t--ds.

In summary, I HATE ticks, but when your family has a cabin in the Wisconsin woods you have to become well versed in how to remove the little blood suckers fast.

I came across a video on social media today that blew my tick-despising mind, and although the subject matter gives me the willies, the simple genius of the product had me running to Amazon to buy one.

It's called the Tick Twister...


You can get a pack of two Tick Twisters, (one large, one small), on Amazon for just $4.99, and I'm really hoping they work! Nothing is worse than when you are trying to remove a tick with tweezers and accidentally leave one of its appendages behind. Excuse me while I go throw up now.

Catch Lil Zim on ‘Q98.5 Mornings with Lil Zim & JB’ on Q98.5 from 5:00 a.m. to 10 a.m. Follow her on TwitterInstagram, and Facebook

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