This Photo Puzzle is Driving The Internet Crazy
Can you find the cellphone in the photo? Don't worry, we can help!
I'm not going to lie to you, this photo made me absolutely crazy. Every once in a while a new 'puzzle' comes to the internet that becomes the talk of the town.
It took me a good 10 minutes or so and a few tries to find the answer to the puzzle. But when I did, I felt as if I was part of some sort of secret society that only puzzle masters could be a part of.
I'm sure you have seen this on your Facebook Newsfeed in the past few days. If you haven't, grab your glasses and get ready.
The challenge is finding the cellphone that is somewhere on the carpet.
Can you find it?
Keep looking...
You are cheating aren't you?
Did you just zoom in on the photo as much as you can?
Pretty sure that is cheating.
Are you going bonkers now?
You really want to know the answer, huh?
Alright... I'll give you the answer. But I don't want to ruin it for anyone else. So if you want to know the answer, scroll down.
Keep scrolling...
Here it is:
Congrats, you found it!