The One Tax Everyone Was Expecting And Most Are OK With
Now that Rockford officially has its first recreational use marijuana facility, it was only a matter of time before they figured out what the tax was going to be for those purchasing recreational use marijuana.
According to WIFR, Winnebago County's economic development committee passed a resolution proposing a 3% tax for sales within the county and a 3.75% tax in unincorporated areas.
“The marijuana tax that we passed tonight we'll be readdressing again and splitting off a percentage of that for public safety because there is going to be an increase in figuring out and making sure we cover the law aspect as well." said Jas Bilich from the 20th district.
Just like tobacco users face higher taxes when getting their nicotine fix, the same will be said about those wanting to use marijuana. As Illinois looks at other states' plans of attack on taxes and how to use them, I can only imagine this number could change once the tax dollars start coming in.