The ‘Grossest Food’ In Illinois Will Spark Major Debate
Topixoffbeat.com released a Grossest Food From Every Single US State describing these foods as "the worst of the worst when it comes to various regional foodstuffs."
According to Offbeat, the grossest food in Illinois is the Chicago Style hot dog. I'm not sure how they came to this conclusion. Is there scientific data behind this? I'm struggling to agree with them and fellow Chicago Style hot dog lovers will have no trouble arguing the inaccuracy of calling it the grossest food in the Land on Lincoln.
While discussing this "fact" with coworkers it became evident of the divide between Chicago Style hot dog lovers and haters. The immediate reaction from Q98.5 matriarch Shannon Zimmerman was "Yup! Gross." And Midday Michelle from 97ZOK dropped a quick "I would never eat a Chicago style hot dog in my life." I was baffled by this. Thankfully, fellow Q98.5er Susan Tyler agreed with me and 97ZOK's Steve Shannon did, too.
Bottom line is, despite topixoffbeat.com's claim, the Chicago Style Hot Dog is an easily debatable topic.
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