The fact that I did not complete my college education should probably disqualify me from commenting on this, but I'm not going to allow that actual fact to stop me. Illinois has been accused of having the worst college in America to avoid at all costs and I have to see if it's true.
High school is supposed to be the final foundation stone of a good education. A new ranking declares that there are 10 high schools in Illinois that aren't achieving that. Based on their data, here are the 10 worst high schools in the state of Illinois.
I demand a recount. There's a new ranking claiming a small village is the most boring place in Illinois, but I believe the internet is dead wrong about this conclusion and I'll prove it.
There are a lot of reasons why a state would grow over time. Better jobs, people seeking a more comfortable climate and housing costs. For some reason, fewer people looking for those things are choosing Illinois as it is now officially ranked as one of the slowest growing states in America.
Let's face it, some states are better behaved than other states. However, if you've been thinking of Illinois as some sort of bastion of righteousness, you're wrong...and more than likely new around here.
Pick a county, any county. In the State of Illinois, you've got 102 of them to choose from, but according to a new study, 25 of them are better than the other 77. Our own Winnebago County finds itself in the top 25.