
How Many Illinoisans Want a Blue Checkmark Instead of a College Degree?
How Many Illinoisans Want a Blue Checkmark Instead of a College Degree?
How Many Illinoisans Want a Blue Checkmark Instead of a College Degree?
Did you know that Merriam Webster updated the word "Influencer" to the dictionary in 2019? Of course that word has always existed, but in 2019 they added the current definition to the term. Influencerupdate details - The original definition of the term won’t change, but the word will be given an additional definition with it as “a person who is able to generate interest in something (suc
Emotional Spending in a Pandemic is Real – But How Real is it in Illinois?
Emotional Spending in a Pandemic is Real – But How Real is it in Illinois?
Emotional Spending in a Pandemic is Real – But How Real is it in Illinois?
Let me just share a meme I saw the other day that heavily described how I feel about shopping during the pandemic. Actually, I'm going to share several. But most importantly, this one - Here's some statistics shared by about Americans and their pandemic shopping habits - I mean, personally, I'm incredibly guilty of what I like to call "retail therapy"...
How Much Money Illinois Residents Lost as the 9th Most Catfished State
How Much Money Illinois Residents Lost as the 9th Most Catfished State
How Much Money Illinois Residents Lost as the 9th Most Catfished State
Catfish: To lure (someone) into a relationship by means of a fictional online persona. Have you ever been catfished before? I really hope you said no. I am a HUGE fan of the MTV show "Catfish". If you've never seen it, 10/10 recommend watching all the seasons...
How To Buy Illinois Girl Scout Cookies Online For The 2021 Season
How To Buy Illinois Girl Scout Cookies Online For The 2021 Season
How To Buy Illinois Girl Scout Cookies Online For The 2021 Season
You know what makes everything better? Girl Scout Cookies. But you know what one of the worst parts of life is? The fact that Girl Scout Cookies aren't available year round. I guess that's what makes them even tastier. When I order Girl Scout Cookies, it's hard for me to pick a favorite...
Support Stateline Museums With Virtual Tours This Holiday Season
Support Stateline Museums With Virtual Tours This Holiday Season
Support Stateline Museums With Virtual Tours This Holiday Season
I think one of the most popular words in 2020 is "virtual". From virtual concerts, to virtual work meetings, we've made a lot of stuff work from sitting in front of our computer screens this year. Local museums are making things work virtually just like everybody else...

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