At this writing, there are 5 states and a couple of territories that continue to observe a mask mandate. Based on comments made by Illinois Department of Public Health Director Dr. Ngozi Ezike, Illinois will be keeping our mask mandate up to and beyond Thanksgiving.
To further protect fans from COVID, Eric Church is utilizing COVID sniffing dogs at his 2021/2022 Gather Again Tour stops...will they be coming to Chicago too?
Unlike many things you'll read today, I'm not going to even attempt to tell you what to think about this particular story. I know that adherents to the call for everyone to get the vaccine will take this one way, and the vaccine-hesitant will look at it entirely differently.
If you're someone who's been experiencing "vaccine hesitancy," it may seem like you're the lone hold-out among people you know, or the public in general. However, that's just not the case at all.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is now estimating that over 1 million people who have received either a Moderna or Pfizer vaccination have decided to go back for more.
With seemingly everything getting the plug pulled on it last year, it's nice to see that the Illinois State Fair is back for 2021, although there will be some changes to the routine fair experience.