Illinois Losing 3G Will Be Costly and You Probably Had No IdeaIllinois Losing 3G Will Be Costly and You Probably Had No IdeaThe effects of losing 3G goes far beyond archaic flip phones so do not think you won't be affected, it's actually rather likely that you will.JB LoveJB Love
Goodbye To Landline Phones?Goodbye To Landline Phones?July 1st has come and gone, and Illinois residents, still have their landline phones, for now. However, things could soon change.Mark CharvatMark Charvat
Landline Phone Service Could Be History in Illinois on July 1stLandline Phone Service Could Be History in Illinois on July 1stBelieve it or not, there still some people in Illinois who only have a landline phone. As of July 1st, that service may end.Mark CharvatMark Charvat
911 Service Restored for Stateline AT&T Customers After Temporary Outage911 Service Restored for Stateline AT&T Customers After Temporary OutageIf you have an cell phone with AT&T service, you might have received a 911 alert on Wednesday.Mark CharvatMark Charvat
Illinois AT&T Phone Customers to Get RefundsIllinois AT&T Phone Customers to Get RefundsIf you are or were an AT&T Customer, check your mailbox, you may have a refund waiting for you. Why? You got crammed!Mark CharvatMark Charvat