Stopped Complaining About Amazon Products Or You Could Be Banned
Like most humans, Amazon doesn't want to hear someone complaining over and over and over. They also don't want people constantly returning items and, let's be honest, not everything purchased on Amazon is broken or damaged. Amazon is now warning frequent item returners.
According to CNET, Amazon has been banning customers who had returned too many items too frequently. The rule isn't black-and-white but the online giant is still able to do it.
Amazon's return policy doesn't tell customers that returning too many items can get them kicked out, but its conditions of use say the company reserves the right to terminate accounts at its discretion.
CNET even shared a customer complaining about being banned for returning too many items. Six in one year, in fact.
Amazon's return policy, according to CNET, boasts easy return options and customer protection.
'We want everyone to be able to use Amazon, but there are rare occasions where someone abuses our service over an extended period of time,... If a customer believes we've made an error, we encourage them to contact us directly so we can review their account and take appropriate action.'
I've not been banned by Amazon but shouldn't there be loopholes for customers? Maybe a different email address or different card number? Either way, Amazon could ruin your day for returning too many items.