Six Flags Great America Is Adding A New Ride In 2018
Sign up now to get your 2018 season passes to Six Flags Great America, because they're adding a new ride for next season and it looks so cool!
Oh! This is gonna be good.
Most people know that I'm a huge roller-coaster fan .
I'm always signing up for Six Flags season passes. I love the adrenaline I get from the rides, even though to be honest they scare the beegezus out of me a lot of the times.
Next year won't be any different as now according to WGN the amusement park in Gurnee just announced they're adding a new ride that's the "World's Largest Loop Coaster".
Oh My Gosh! That looks crazy fun, almost reminds me of the old "Tidal Wave". Remember that ride. It looped taking you forward and backwards and held you suspended in the air upside down too!
I've missed that ride.
The loop coaster is still yet to be named, but "Park President Hank Salemi says it will be an experience “guests cannot get anywhere else on the planet” and will be one of the park’s “most intense attractions.”
It's scheduled to open Spring of 2018.
I so cannot wait for that.
Who wants to ride with me?