Rockford Nurse Takes Care Of Patient’s Dog And Earns Big Award
Nurses deserve way more recognition than they probably get. One nurse in Rockford solidified that theory and earned a big honor because of it.
SwedishAmerican Hospital presents the "Daisy of the Year" award at their Nurses Appreciation Week breakfast and the nurse of honor was Liz EauClaire. Her "above and beyond" care exceeded beyond a patient. This story involves a dog, too.
When Liz was helping a man being transported to a VA, she noticed his only family was a dog. According to SwedishAmerican, the man wouldn't have been able to find care for his pet while he was gone for a week. In fact, the man said his dog, Maggie, was "the only thing" keeping him alive. That's when Liz EauClair's love for animals stepped in.
Liz jumped into action. She organized a collection with her co-workers to cover the cost of boarding and even updated the dog’s vaccinations. After the patient was discharged from the VA, Liz made sure the dog went home with a new bag of food.
Even more, Liz helped the patient find his lost phone.
When Liz later learned that the patient accidentally left his cell phone in the taxi on his way home, she contacted several VA locations to track down the phone and personally picked it up and returned the phone to the patient.
You can tell Liz is a great person by her comment in Swedes' story on Facebook.
I don’t see going above-and-beyond as a nurse here as just my responsibility, I see it as something that I really want to do. And I know all of our nurses feel the same way.
Thanks to all nurses for doing what they do. Thank you, Liz, for living a great example for us all.