New Homes Could Bring New Life To Rockford
According to WREX, developers are trying to get impact fees to go away so that it's more feasible to build more new homes in the Rockford area. Less taxes on developers and home buyers will mean more new construction and more people moving to the area, which ultimately brings in more money.
Researchers claim that twenty percent of houses in an area should be new construction to maintain a healthy market. Right now, Rockford is at two percent. Poplar Grove is viewed as a model for getting rid of the impact fees and the growth in the community.
Hopefully with the expansion and growth at Rockford Airport and the Hard Rock, more and more people will be moving to the area which would certainly help with new housing developments.
Although as someone who just bought a house in Rockford, I can say there is something to be said about older homes with character. One of the things my wife and I looked for in a house, was a uniqueness you can only get from a non-cookie cutter housing development.
Apparently we aren't alone. More and more younger couples are also looking towards the older homes as well because of price and character. Plus, they can tend to find older homes for less money that need some minor repairs than to buy new construction.
Do you think Rockford should eliminate the impact fees to make it more cost effective for developers and home buyers? Let me know in the comments.