Naming your Car isn’t as Weird as you think
Today is National Name your Car Day!
If you've done this or still do, it's not as weird as some may think.
According to this survey from USA Today, one out of four people will name their cars.
At first I thought, "That's weird.I've never done that." Then I remembered... Oh yes I I have.
Actually, it more of a nickname than an actual name. (Which, F.Y.I. Twenty-seven percent of women are more likely to do as opposed to seventeen percent of the men doing this.)
It was my first car I had out of high school. I nicknamed it "Clownie" because the horn. It sounded like a clown car in the circus. It was a 1982 Buick Skylark with a sea foam green canvas top and hunter green body. That car was really like driving my grandma's car to school. For a college person it wasn't the coolest thing on wheels but surprisingly it had speed. HAHA! The good old days.
Have you ever done this? What did you name your cars?
Or better yet is the name or names of your cars possibly one of the 50 Names for Cars?