Little Known Facts about Rodney Atkins
In honor of Rodney coming to Rockford next week for the Main Street District Block Party, I thought it would interesting to learn a few things about the artist.
Here are a few little known facts about Rodney Atkins.Did you know that many in the music industry suggested he change his last name? They thought he'd be confused with Trace Adkins and Rhett Akins but he refused to do so.
Did you know that he was adopted not once but 3 times?
Rodney is also a perfectionist in the studio. He'll spend hours in the studio making tiny changes to vocals on songs, because he wants to make sure they're just right.
To learn more click here.
By the way, all this week during the Lunch Tray Trivia at 12:15 p.m., I'll be giving you a chance to win a pair of tickets to see Rodney Atkins at the Main Street District Block Party on June 27th!
You can purchase your tickets your through ticketfly.com or visiting the Main Street District's Facebook Page.
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