Jerrod Niemann’s Demeanor With Fans No Surprise
Most backstage/"meet and greet" opportunities are the same, you wait in a big line and you give five seconds of shoulder time with the band or artist. If you're lucky you may be able to get one item signed. That's not a knock on musicians because some meet-and-greets have a hundred fans and the process needs to be quick and fluent. This was not the case with Jerrod Niemann.
I should have guessed how the country star would be based on an over-the-phone conversation Shannon Zimmerman I had with him not too long ago. [LISTEN] He was as ever gracious and attentive as they come. What would normally take about 15-20 minutes at District lasted an hour. That's unheard of, in most cases.
I would tell you Jerrod Niemann's awesome personality may have been part of the reason my wife and me loved his show so much but that's not the case. He just knows how to put on an awesome show. The crowd was on fire. Thanks to all the friends of Q98.5 that were able to go to the show.
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