Yes, There’s a Real Forgotten Ancient Swamp in Southern Illinois
I thought I had traveled through or lived in every part of Illinois in my lifetime. I was wrong because I've never been through or lived in a real ancient swamp that exists in extreme southern Illinois.

Are you familiar with the Cache River Wetlands? The Cache River itself is 92 miles long and flows through what is known as the Little Egypt part of Illinois. Wikipedia says that the French gave the area its name before American settlers entered the area.
This is an area that Native Americans used as a trading area in ancient days and just now came upon my radar thanks to a new video share from a guy who took a canoe through the swamp area of southern Illinois.
The Department of Conservation has reportedly been trying to restore the Cache River Wetlands to their historic state for over 50 years. There's even a group called Friends of the Cache River Wetlands that are doing everything they can to make sure this forgotten area is preserved.
Let's hope they're successful as this is a really beautiful and completely unique part of Illinois. There is truly no place like it.